Minter, B_ Colleen 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US NC: PUB LTE: Current Drug Policies Fail SocietyWed, 27 Apr 2005
Source:Mountain Xpress (NC) Author:Minter, B. Colleen Area:North Carolina Lines:43 Added:04/27/2005
2 US NH: Edu: PUB LTE: The Current War On Drugs Conflicts With American IdealsThu, 14 Apr 2005
Source:Equinox, The (NH Edu) Author:Minter, B. Colleen Area:New Hampshire Lines:50 Added:04/14/2005
3 US MS: EDU: PUB LTE: Marijuana Has Been DemonizedTue, 12 Apr 2005
Source:Daily Mississippian (U of MS Edu) Author:Minter, B. Colleen Area:Mississippi Lines:36 Added:04/14/2005

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