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81 CN NF: Out Of TouchTue, 30 Aug 2016
Source:Telegram, The (CN NF) Author:Sweet, Barb Area:Newfoundland Lines:104 Added:09/03/2016

Arguing national back-to-school "don't do drugs" campaigns are out of touch with reality, some local groups are planning to take to Confederation Building Wednesday to mark International Overdose Awareness Day with a rally.

"What we want people to be more aware of is some of those kids are going to chose to use drugs," said Tree Walsh, harm reduction manager for St. John's with the Aids Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The goal then is to warn drug users of the dangers of overdosing.

[continues 588 words]

82 CN NF: 'This Is Desperately Needed Here'Fri, 08 Jul 2016
Source:Telegram, The (CN NF) Author:Mullaley, Rosie Area:Newfoundland Lines:91 Added:07/12/2016

Federal government contributes $30,000 for study to see if drug treatment court in NL can be viable

In the 26 years he has been in practice, St. John's lawyer John Duggan has represented many drug-addicted criminals

"I would say that 80 per cent of the people I dealt with in my career had some sort of substance-abuse problem," Duggan said.

That's why he was so thrilled by Thursday's announcement that the federal government will fund a project to determine the viability of a drug treatment court in this province.

[continues 467 words]

83 CN NF: No One Knows What Legal Weed In N.L. Will Look LikeMon, 04 Jul 2016
Source:Western Star, The (CN NF) Author:McLeod, James Area:Newfoundland Lines:79 Added:07/05/2016

All Three Parties Support Legalization, but Specifics Are Scanty

Justice Minister Andrew Parsons, Opposition Leader Paul Davis, and New Democrat MHA Gerry Rogers have all smoked marijuana, and all three are in favour of legalizing it. But when it comes to the nitty-gritty of legalized weed in Newfoundland and Labrador, the picture is still very hazy.

"There's plenty of meetings, plenty of work, but all of it sort of based on a wait-and-see," Parsons said.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau campaigned on a promise of legalizing marijuana in Canada, and since taking office last year, the federal government has started to make moves in that direction.

[continues 394 words]

84 CN NF: Pot Plan NeededMon, 04 Jul 2016
Source:Telegram, The (CN NF) Author:, Area:Newfoundland Lines:79 Added:07/05/2016

No One Knows What Legal Weed in N.L. Will Look Like

Justice Minister Andrew Parsons, Opposition Leader Paul Davis, and New Democrat MHA Gerry Rogers have all smoked marijuana, and all three are in favour of legalizing it. But when it comes to the nitty-gritty of legalized weed in Newfoundland and Labrador, the picture is still very hazy.

"There's plenty of meetings, plenty of work, but all of it sort of based on a wait-and-see," Parsons said.

[continues 424 words]

85 CN NF: Lab Capacity Issue in Drug Impairment Battle: MADDThu, 02 Jun 2016
Source:Advertiser (CN NF) Author:Edison, Randy Area:Newfoundland Lines:71 Added:06/04/2016

Conversations with its partners in the fight against impaired driving were high on the agenda for Andrew Murie, CEO of MADD - Mother's Against Drunk Driving -while visiting the province recently.

One of the things heightened during his conversation with RCMP and RNC representatives was the need for increased capacity in testing for impairment from psychoactive drugs.

Murie said the laws are in place to help curb the problem, but it was "interesting to see how pathetically long it takes to get test results."

[continues 314 words]

86 CN NF: I Called Him An Angel Amongst UsSat, 21 May 2016
Source:Telegram, The (CN NF) Author:Sweet, Barb Area:Newfoundland Lines:104 Added:05/21/2016

Paul Morrissey, marijuana oil advocate, dies at 67

J.P. Morrissey says he couldn't have had a better father than Paul Morrissey, an advocate for an unconventional method of cancer treatment, who died Thursday.

"He just was giver. I called him an angel amongst us. ... He was beyond. I couldn't have asked for a better father on this planet," J.P. said Friday of his dad, who was 67.

"He taught me so many good values. He had such a good heart.

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87 CN NF: Column: Smoke 'em - And Tax 'em - If You've Got 'emMon, 09 May 2016
Source:Aurora, The (CN NF) Author:Wangersky, Russell Area:Newfoundland Lines:84 Added:05/10/2016

In Newfoundland and Labrador, the latest budget brought huge debt, a two per cent increase in the HST and shutdowns of everything from seniors' dental programs to more than half the province's public libraries.

In Prince Edward Island, the HST's up one per cent, while Nova Scotia has gone through public sector wages to eke out the barest slender slip of a balanced budget.

New Brunswick? It also raised HST by two points to 15 per cent and is talking about public sector job cuts.

[continues 506 words]

88 CN NF: Column: Smoke 'em - And Tax 'em - If You've Got 'emMon, 09 May 2016
Source:Labradorian, The (CN NF) Author:Wangersky, Russell Area:Newfoundland Lines:84 Added:05/10/2016

In Newfoundland and Labrador, the latest budget brought huge debt, a two per cent increase in the HST and shutdowns of everything from seniors' dental programs to more than half the province's public libraries.

In Prince Edward Island, the HST's up one per cent, while Nova Scotia has gone through public sector wages to eke out the barest slender slip of a balanced budget.

New Brunswick? It also raised HST by two points to 15 per cent and is talking about public sector job cuts.

[continues 506 words]

89 CN NF: Column: Smoke 'Em - and Tax 'Em - If You've Got 'EmTue, 03 May 2016
Source:Southern Gazette, The (CN NF) Author:Wangersky, Russell Area:Newfoundland Lines:83 Added:05/04/2016

In Newfoundland and Labrador, the latest budget brought huge debt, a two per cent increase in the HST and shutdowns of everything from seniors' dental programs to more than half the province's public libraries.

In Prince Edward Island, the HST's up one per cent, while Nova Scotia has gone through public sector wages to eke out the barest slender slip of a balanced budget.

New Brunswick? It also raised HST by two points to 15 per cent and is talking about public sector job cuts.

[continues 506 words]

90 CN NF: Editorial: High TimeTue, 03 May 2016
Source:Compass, The (CN NF)          Area:Newfoundland Lines:78 Added:05/04/2016

The federal government is pushing ahead with plans to legalize marijuana and none too soon. Health Minister Jane Philpott certainly didn't play down the controversial announcement. She chose a special session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York regarding drug use and drug-related crime.

The timing was more than coincidental. Philpott chose April 20 to reveal that Ottawa plans to introduce legislation legalizing marijuana in the spring of next year. Her address coincided with 4/20 - - the annual day of celebration for cannabis culture lovers, the so-called National Weed Day.

[continues 408 words]

91 CN NF: Editorial: It's High Time To Legalize MarijuanaSat, 30 Apr 2016
Source:Western Star, The (CN NF)          Area:Newfoundland Lines:77 Added:04/30/2016

The federal government is pushing ahead with plans to legalize marijuana and not before time. Health Minister Jane Philpott certainly didn't play down the controversial announcement. She chose a special session of the United Nations General Assembly in New York regarding drug use and drug-related crime.

The timing was more than coincidental. Minister Philpot chose April 20 to reveal that Ottawa plans to introduce legislation legalizing marijuana in the spring of next year. Her address coincided with 4/20 - - the annual day of celebration for cannabis culture lovers, the so-called National Weed Day.

[continues 409 words]

92 CN NF: Column: Smoke 'Em - and Tax 'Em - If You've Got 'EmFri, 29 Apr 2016
Source:Telegram, The (CN NF) Author:Wangersky, Russell Area:Newfoundland Lines:74 Added:04/30/2016

In Newfoundland and Labrador, the latest budget brought huge debt, a two per cent increase in the HST and shutdowns of everything from seniors' dental programs to more than half the province's public libraries.

In Prince Edward Island, the HST's up one per cent, while Nova Scotia has gone through public sector wages to eke out the barest slender slip of a balanced budget. New Brunswick? It also raised HST by two points to 15 per cent and is talking about public sector job cuts.

[continues 473 words]

93 CN NF: Column: Joint Injustice Finally Burning OutFri, 26 Feb 2016
Source:Telegram, The (CN NF) Author:Jones, Brian Area:Newfoundland Lines:95 Added:02/29/2016

The long, unnecessary and monumentally stupid imposition of Prohibition 2 - pot prohibition - is finally coming to an end.

This week a Federal Court judge in Vancouver ruled in favour of medical marijuana users, saying they should be allowed to grow their own pot, and federal laws preventing them from doing so are unconstitutional.

Strangely enough, the judge's conclusions from the bench on high - so to speak - echo much of what hippies and potheads and rights activists have been saying about pot for half a century or so.

[continues 543 words]

94 CN NF: Dark Side To Marijuana LegalizationTue, 23 Feb 2016
Source:Compass, The (CN NF) Author:Robinson, Andrew Area:Newfoundland Lines:92 Added:02/24/2016

While there are many looking forward to the impending legalization of marijuana, some are less enthused. The executive director of the U-Turn Drop-In Centre in Carbonear worries that legalization of the drug will create problems for youth and lead to a wider acceptance of drug culture. Jeff Bourne knows a thing or two about the trouble caused by addiction. An admitted addict now several years sober, the executive director of Carbonear's U-Turn Drop-In Centre has put in a lot of time helping others find ways to overcome battles with drugs and alcohol.

[continues 593 words]

95 CN NF: NAPE Likes Marijuanaas SmellTue, 23 Feb 2016
Source:Telegram, The (CN NF) Author:Robinson, Andrew Area:Newfoundland Lines:96 Added:02/24/2016

See Liquor Stores As Viable Option for Distribution of Legalized Weed

A couple of years from now, people preparing for the May 24 weekend could conceivably head to their local liquor store to pick up a case or two of beer and some sticky green buds. A couple of years from now, people preparing for the May 24 weekend could conceivably head to their local liquor store to pick up a case or two of beer and some sticky green buds.

[continues 605 words]

96 CN NF: NAPE Likes Marijuana's SmellTue, 23 Feb 2016
Source:Compass, The (CN NF) Author:Robinson, Andrew Area:Newfoundland Lines:86 Added:02/23/2016

A couple of years from now, people preparing for the May 24 weekend could conceivably head to their local liquor store to pick up a case or two of beer and some sticky green buds.

Nobody knows how things will look when Justin Trudeau's Liberal government unveils its plan to legalize and regulate marijuana in Canada. But several labour unions representing public sector workers at liquor stores have spoken out in favour of having the drug sold by their members.

[continues 542 words]

97 CN NF: Life-Changing LeafMon, 08 Feb 2016
Source:Telegram, The (CN NF) Author:Power, Louis Area:Newfoundland Lines:164 Added:02/10/2016

Medical marijuana user says doctors discouraged from prescribing; new clinic hopes to alleviate concerns

As the country moves towards legalizing marijuana for recreational use, patients in Newfoundland and Labrador are still having trouble accessing the herb for medical use.

It's not because of the fact that no licensed producers grow marijuana in the province; doctors here may be hesitant because the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Newfoundland and Labrador appears to discourage them from having anything to do with it.

[continues 1098 words]

98 CN NF: Editorial: Breaking The CycleMon, 01 Feb 2016
Source:Western Star, The (CN NF)          Area:Newfoundland Lines:71 Added:02/05/2016

The Flat Bay Band Inc. is working on a project to develop a native addictions treatment centre in consultation with Memorial University and a local steering committee.

The project got underway in November 2015 and is expected to wrap up in November of this year with a manuscript on the scope and nature of the treatment centre, recommendations on site locations and draft plans.

Flat Bay Band Chief Liz LaSaga and the steering committee say there is insufficient research into native health statistics in the province. Along with Memorial, the research derived from this project will be a fundamental piece of evidence. The need for the Nujio'qonik Healing Center - named in recognition of the area in which it will be located, Bay St. George - has long been recognized.

[continues 313 words]

99 CN NF: Column: Cha-Ching!Tue, 02 Feb 2016
Source:Southern Gazette, The (CN NF) Author:Wangersky, Russell Area:Newfoundland Lines:92 Added:02/03/2016

Colorado Raking in Taxes From Legalized Weed

A pall hangs over Denver, Colorado.

Lawlessness stalks its streets, while stupefied potheads loll on every corner, stoned senseless on legal weed.

Well, actually, no, it's not really like that at all. Really, it's just another day.

Denver's like any other big American city: on the 16th Street Mall, there are vagrants on the corners, Broncos and Patriots fans spooling around while they wait for the start of the AFC final later in the day. Coffee shops are setting out chairs in the unseasonable warmth, and a robot street performer, painted entirely silver, is making plans with friends for after the game.

[continues 509 words]

100 CN NF: Column: Colorado Raking In Taxes From Legalized WeedMon, 01 Feb 2016
Source:Labradorian, The (CN NF) Author:Wangersky, Russell Area:Newfoundland Lines:84 Added:02/01/2016

A pall hangs over Denver, Colorado. Lawlessness stalks its streets, while stupefied potheads loll on every corner, stoned senseless on legal weed.

Well, actually, no, it's not really like that at all. Really, it's just another day.

Denver's like any other big American city: on the 16th Street Mall, there are vagrants on the corners, Broncos and Patriots fans spooling around while they wait for the start of the AFC final later in the day. Coffee shops are setting out chairs in the unseasonable warmth, and a robot street performer, painted entirely silver, is making plans with friends for after the game.

[continues 505 words]

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