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1 CN MB: Manitoba Seeking Assurance From Feds On Banning Homegrown PotFri, 01 Jun 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Pursaga, Joyanne Area:Manitoba Lines:69 Added:06/01/2018

Manitoba's Justice Minister is calling for federal legislation to confirm that provinces can ban the home growth of marijuana plants.

"I think that is clear that is provincial jurisdiction to make that decision. (But) I believe the federal (Justice) Minister made some comments that were a little concerning, so we wanted clarification on that," said Justice Minister Heather Stefanson, following a speech to Manitoba Chambers of Commerce members on cannabis legislation Thursday. "We've called (for) some clarification from the federal government. If they could put it specifically in legislation, that would be best."

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2 CN MB: Editorial: Cannabis Sales Won't Balance BudgetTue, 01 May 2018
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB)          Area:Manitoba Lines:97 Added:05/04/2018

Cannabis sales likely won't prove a financial bonanza.

Those counting on help from cannabis sales to balance the provincial budget are in for a disappointment.

As far as Statistics Canada can tell, cannabis prices in this country have been dropping for the past three years, perhaps the past dozen years. Since weed-market watchers in the United States have found roughly the same thing, it's probably true.

Canada's provincial treasurers, along with private investors in the cannabis trade, may still be able to turn a profit, but the bonanza that used to beckon has probably evaporated already.

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3 CN MB: Column: Drug Smuggling Has Become A Problem For Canada'sTue, 13 Mar 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Flora, Surjit Singh Area:Manitoba Lines:83 Added:03/17/2018

The drugs have started eating away at our Punjabi youth.

This disease has spread throughout North America. The desire to earn quick money without any hard work has pushed many Punjabi youth into drug trafficking.

Last year a Punjabi husband and wife were caught by the RCMP with cocaine worth $8.4 million. It was a large consignment of drugs being taken from the United States to Calgary. The couple, identified as Gurminder Singh Toor, 31, and Kirandeep Kaur Toor, 26, were arrested in connection with the cocaine.

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4 CN MB: PUB LTE: Pot Crimes?Sat, 24 Feb 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Campbell, Scott Area:Manitoba Lines:27 Added:02/27/2018

It would be interesting to know if the delay in implementing the new marijuana legalization legislation will mean police will continue to waste time and resources dragging people through the courts for "pot" related offences, right up until 11:59 p.m. on the eve of the day it becomes legal.

Scott Campbell

Grow-ops will still be illegal even after pot isn't.


5 CN MB: Editorial: No Need To Rush To PotTue, 20 Feb 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB)          Area:Manitoba Lines:63 Added:02/25/2018

Ontario Senator Tony Dean, sponsor of the Trudeau Liberals' pot bill in the Upper Chamber, is upset that Canadians will not be able to legally light up their spliffs until long after Canada Day.

He says time is of the essence, and that the government does not have the luxury of biding it.

Why is this? Why, after more than 100 years of marijuana being illegal, does the good senator think pushing back the smoke date by a few weeks is the wrong thing to do?

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6 CN MB: Checkpoint Targets Drugs, BoozeTue, 20 Feb 2018
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB) Author:Paul, Alexandra Area:Manitoba Lines:198 Added:02/25/2018

A NORTHERN Manitoba First Nation is building a permanent checkstop on the only highway into the community to combat the illegal drug and liquor trade.

"It's like a border crossing and you'll have no choice but to go through it. And if you don't want to be searched, you're not going to go in," Norway House Chief Ron Evans said.

The small building next to Highway 373 looks a bit like a transport safety weigh station. As of this month, the Norway House Cree Nation Safety and Security Checkpoint will be open 24/7. Its official opening is scheduled for Feb. 24.

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7 CN MB: Unchartered TerritoryTue, 20 Feb 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Brodbeck, Tom Area:Manitoba Lines:92 Added:02/23/2018

Pallister government not budgeting for pot tax revenue this year

If the Pallister government projects a reduced deficit in the 2018 provincial budget, it won't be because of a new pot tax.

The Winnipeg Sun has learned that next month's budget will not include a revenue line from marijuana sales, even though legalized pot is expected to go on sale sometime later this year.

Finance Minister Cameron Friesen confirmed government is not budgeting for any marijuana revenues in 2018-19 and is still examining the potential costs associated with legalized weed, including additional health care, road safety and justice costs.

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8CN MB: First Nations Big Winners In Manitoba Cannabis PlanSat, 17 Feb 2018
Source:National Post (Canada) Author:Rendell, Mark Area:Manitoba Lines:Excerpt Added:02/22/2018

A group of First Nations looks set to win big in the Manitoba cannabis market, thanks to partnerships with several cannabis companies chosen to run the province's private marijuana retail system.

On Friday, Manitoba announced that it had "conditionally accepted" proposals from four groups - chosen from a pool of more than 100 applicants - to run dispensaries in the province. Canopy Growth Corp. in partnership with Winnipeg-based Delta 9 Cannabis Inc., took home one conditional letter; another went to upscale retail brand Tokyo Smoke, a subsidiary of Hiku Brands Ltd.

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9 CN MB: Groups Feel Left Out Of The Weed PartySat, 17 Feb 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Pursaga, Joyanne Area:Manitoba Lines:77 Added:02/22/2018

A few groups feel they were overlooked in the competition to sell legal pot in Manitoba, including some small business owners.

Rick Macl, owner of the Brandon shop Growers 'n Smokers, said he partnered with another business to submit a proposal.

But he also said his eventual rejection letter was expected early on in that process, due to conditions set by the province.

"I knew I had no chance having (less than) three stores going in alone. I was forced to join other companies," said Macl. "I was in desperation mode."

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10 CN MB: Mayor Calls On Feds To Apply PressureFri, 16 Feb 2018
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB) Author:Robertson, Dylan Area:Manitoba Lines:116 Added:02/16/2018

Bowman wants help getting promised provincial funding for infrastructure

OTTAWA - Mayor Brian Bowman says he wants Ottawa to push the Pallister government to cough up more funding for infrastructure projects in the city, and to also give the city a handsome portion of tax collected from legalized marijuana.

"The challenge many of the big city mayors are having is ensuring that those funds are flowing through the provinces, and getting to municipalities to support municipal priorities," Bowman said Thursday, on the sidelines of the Big City Mayors' Caucus in Ottawa.

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11 CN MB: More, Cheaper Meth On City StreetsFri, 09 Feb 2018
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB) Author:Thorpe, Ryan Area:Manitoba Lines:145 Added:02/14/2018

Police seize 5.8 kg in January - half of what was seized in 2017

MAKE no mistake: Winnipeg has a meth problem.

That's the message city police drove home Thursday at a lengthy news conference, painting a dark picture of a city in the grips of a methamphetamine epidemic and the strain placed on front-line services that are trying to contain the street drug.

"The emergence of methamphetamine that we're experiencing in our community is getting to the level where it's starting to keep me awake at night," Winnipeg Police Service Chief Danny Smyth said.

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12 CN MB: Pot Trafficking Pardons Not On Horizon: PMSat, 03 Feb 2018
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB) Author:Israel, Solomon Area:Manitoba Lines:130 Added:02/06/2018

Excluding convicted drug dealers from exoneration unfair, cannabis advocate says

PRIME Minister Justin Trudeau must have expected questions about cannabis legalization at his town hall event in Winnipeg on Wednesday night, but he might not have anticipated this one.

In light of the Liberal government's plans to offer some kind of amnesty to Canadians with cannabis possession convictions, Manitoba cannabis advocate Steven Stairs asked: "Would your government be considering pardons for people who are being convicted of trafficking cannabis?

"Small-time drug dealers, pot sales, guy on the corner, whatever you want to call them, but those people are just as peaceful, mostly, as the other people that have been charged, and I don't find it fair that you would exclude them from the pardon system," he said.

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13 CN MB: Planning For PotTue, 30 Jan 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Pursaga, Joyanne Area:Manitoba Lines:63 Added:02/02/2018

City forms committee to prepare for legal weed

The City of Winnipeg has formed a new committee to guide its pot plans.

The Cannabis Co-ordination Committee will guide local preparations as the feds prepare to legalize recreational marijuana sales, effective July 1.

"The legalization of cannabis represents one of the most significant legal, social and economic policy changes our country has seen since prohibition and ... our municipal government needs to do everything we can to be as ready as possible for its legalization later this year," said Mayor Brian Bowman.

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14 CN MB: Council Bans Tobacco, Marijuana Smoking On PatiosFri, 26 Jan 2018
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB) Author:Botelho-Urbanski, Jessica Area:Manitoba Lines:57 Added:01/26/2018

CITY council voted overwhelmingly Thursday in favour of a ban on smoking tobacco and marijuana around restaurant patios.

Two councillors - Ross Eadie (Mynarski) and Jason Schreyer (Elmwood-East Kildonan) - voted against the bylaw. Eadie said a ban would further stigmatize smokers.

Smoking in any form - cigarettes, cigars, pipes, e-cigarettes, water pipes, hookahs or other devices - won't be permitted on outdoor patios where food and drink are served. Council made an exception for smoking within Indigenous-led ceremonies.

The bylaw will come into effect on April 1, though the amount of the fine is not yet clear.

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15 CN MB: Feds Urged To Publicize Law Aimed At Preventing Drug DeathsSat, 20 Jan 2018
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB) Author:May, Katie Area:Manitoba Lines:92 Added:01/20/2018

GOOD Samaritan law aimed at saving lives during Canada's opioid crisis isn't getting enough public attention, proponents say.

Members of all major political parties supported legislation that gives immunity from criminal charges to people who call for help during a drug overdose, but whether the law has encouraged people to call 911 remains unclear. Conservative and NDP health critics say the federal government hasn't done enough to advertise the Good Samaritans Drug Overdose Act since it came into effect in May 2017.

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16 CN MB: Police Raid Two Marijuana StorefrontsThu, 18 Jan 2018
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB) Author:Israel, Solomon Area:Manitoba Lines:74 Added:01/18/2018

POLICE raided two locations of the Winnipeg Compassion Club last week, saying the storefronts were operating as "illegal marijuana dispensaries."

Officers seized approximately $25,000 worth of marijuana, $20,000 of marijuana in alternate forms and $6,000 in cash from both locations, which were "openly selling marijuana," the Winnipeg Police Service said in a news release on Wednesday.

Three men were arrested and charged with several drug-possession and trafficking offences, as well as possession of the proceeds of crime. The men, ages 45, 28 and 27, have been released pending court appearances.

[continues 362 words]

17 CN MB: Illegal Winnipeg Pot Dispensaries RaidedThu, 18 Jan 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Billeck, Scott Area:Manitoba Lines:34 Added:01/18/2018

Winnipeg police raided two illegal marijuana dispensaries last week, just a few months before the plant becomes legal across the country.

Police said two locations of the Winnipeg Compassion Club, one on Mcphillips Street and the other on Pembina Highway, were raided on Jan. 8 after a months-long investigation by the service's Marihuana Grow Operation Unit that found the dispensary to be openly selling pot at both outlets.

The MGOU, and members of three different community support units carried out the raid, which turned up $25,000 worth of marijuana and $20,000 worth of marijuana in "alternate" forms, police said.

Police also seized $6,000 in cash.

Three men, ages 45, 28 and 27, have been arrested and charged with several crimes under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act along with possession of the proceeds of crime.

All three were released and face future court dates.


18 CN MB: LTE: Just Say NoWed, 17 Jan 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Comeau, Larry Area:Manitoba Lines:36 Added:01/17/2018

Re: NDP lobbying for safe injection site.

What is it with all progressives pushing so called "safe injection sites" which is an oxymoron, as such places are anything but safe. Addicts may be getting clean needles, but they are still injecting street drugs of unknown quality. These drugs addicts commit serious crimes, placing the public at risk.

Surely rather than facilitating drug addicts to feed their addiction, weaning them off their addiction, through rehabilitation, is a much better option. Addicts put huge strains on our ailing health-care services and most end up having a shortened life span caused by drug damage to their vital organs. Safe injection sites do not eradicate those problems!

Larry Comeau

(The theory is they might save a person's life be preventing overdose deaths and by mitigating other risks.)


19 CN MB: NDP Calls For Safe Drug Injection SitesSat, 13 Jan 2018
Source:Winnipeg Free Press (CN MB) Author:Martin, Nick Area:Manitoba Lines:81 Added:01/13/2018

DP Leader Wab Kinew demanded Friday that provincial Health Minister Kelvin Goertzen create safe consumption sites for injection drug users in Winnipeg and other communities in Manitoba.

"There are people in our city who are dying," Kinew told reporters.

But Goertzen said in an emailed statement late Friday that he's not considering establishing sites.

Kinew said deaths and overdoses from opioids and methamphetamine have reached crisis proportions in Winnipeg.

"It's time for there to be a safe consumption site in Winnipeg," he said. "We know safe consumption sites save lives."

[continues 384 words]

20 CN MB: 'Need To See Action'Sat, 13 Jan 2018
Source:Winnipeg Sun (CN MB) Author:Pursaga, Joyanne Area:Manitoba Lines:70 Added:01/13/2018

NDP lobbying for safe injection sites

Manitoba's official opposition is lobbying for safe injection sites, in Winnipeg and beyond.

NDP leader Wab Kinew said the Progressive Conservative government should spend some of the $10.9 million federal dollars it's received to address mental health and addictions to develop such sites, which he believes are needed in Winnipeg and other Manitoba communities.

Kinew said the effort is critical to combat a surge in crystal meth and fentanyl abuse.

"We know that safe (injection) sites save lives and we know that (addiction) is reaching crisis proportions. So we need to see action," said Kinew.

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