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1 US AZ: Column: Customer ConcentrationThu, 16 Oct 2014
Source:Tucson Weekly (AZ) Author:Flora, Chris Area:Arizona Lines:82 Added:10/16/2014

The Apothecary Has Evolved Along With Its Industry

If the customer is always right, then The Apothecary, recently ranked in a patient survey as Tucson's number one medical marijuana dispensary, has a lot going for it.

Immediately noticeable upon entering, The Apothecary has a spacious, well-lit lobby, reminiscent of a doctor's office, where patients are buzzed in before being led to a showroom. There, a vast array of medical marijuana products are displayed-from the 14 different strains of THC and CBD concentrates to dozens of edible options like cookies, peanut butter bars, chocolates, tea, coffee, and gummies.

[continues 478 words]

2 US CA: Column: Cannabis and Nerve Pain: Does It Work?Thu, 16 Oct 2014
Source:Sacramento News & Review (CA) Author:Bealum, Ngaio Area:California Lines:68 Added:10/16/2014

Also, What's Up With Law Enforcement Attacking Grows in Mendocino?

My primary doctor told me that marijuana would probably relieve my peripheral neuropathy pain. I looked at all the ads in the SN&R issue. Problem is that I can't tell who is the most reputable doctor I should go to for an evaluation. Can you suggest someone who really looks at my medical information and steers me to the right dispensary. I am 88 years old and haven't used since the old "love in" days. Today's scene is a mystery to me, so please help this old man with your knowledge and sage advice.

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3 US CA: LTE: About WeedThu, 16 Oct 2014
Source:Chico News & Review, The (CA) Author:Sommers, Chris Area:California Lines:29 Added:10/16/2014

I agree that Measure A is good and Measure B is bad. Honestly, everyone I know would be fine if the pot grows were kept in check, neighborhoods restored to peace and the criminal trafficking ceased. No one that I know cares if you party responsibly, or use it medically-we just don't want Butte County to become Weed Central. Please learn more by visiting wwww.protectbuttecounty.com, the official campaign site for yes on A, no on B; www.bcfact.org is a grassroots organization called Families Against Cannabis Trafficking; and www.bsane.org is Butte Safe Access Not Excess, which chronicles a lot of the impacts of the local for-profit pot industry. We are about moderation and sanity, not prohibition. Please give it some thought and vote for a sane future.

Chris Sommers



4 US CA: PUB LTE: All About WeedThu, 16 Oct 2014
Source:Chico News & Review, The (CA) Author:Cooper, Larry Area:California Lines:39 Added:10/16/2014

Re "Down on Measure B" (Letters, by Jeanne Cecchi and Nancy Roybal, Oct. 9):

In response to your last two letters from Measure B opponents, these women own wineries. How did they clear land for the grapes? Do they not water them? Do they not know that fermenting fruit is a putrid smell or the fact grapes are the most pesticide-intensive crop in California? More importantly, most of the arrests in Butte County are alcohol-related (see www.ci.chico.ca.us/police/documents/WeeklyArrests.pdf). Yet you choose to perpetuate this by being involved in this industry.

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5 US CA: Gary Webb: Pariah No MoreThu, 16 Oct 2014
Source:Orange County Weekly (CA) Author:Schou, Nick Area:California Lines:423 Added:10/16/2014

A few months after Gary Webb killed himself with his dad's old pistol, I stood shirtless in my back yard, staring at the full moon. The sky was black and cloudless, the moon blurry. Earlier that night, I'd poured myself several splashes of single-malt scotch. I shook my fist in the air and screamed.

I'd been a mess ever since Dec. 12, 2004, when the Sunday-morning edition of the Los Angeles Times hit my porch. As usual, I had opened the paper to the last page of the news section, where the Times tended to bury its most important stories. "Gary Webb, 49, wrote series linking CIA and drugs," read the headline, and suddenly I realized I was reading an obituary. Webb, the article stated, who "wrote a widely criticized series linking the CIA to the explosion of crack-cocaine in Los Angeles, was found dead in his Sacramento-area home Friday. He apparently killed himself."

[continues 3874 words]

6 US CA: No On A Committee Leads In ContributionsThu, 16 Oct 2014
Source:Chico Enterprise-Record (CA) Author:Aylworth, Roger Area:California Lines:79 Added:10/16/2014

OROVILLE - If the success or failure of Measures A and B on the November ballot were dependent on finances alone, those opposed to A and in favor of B would have the election in the bag.

The two measures are competing proposals related to the legal cultivation of medical marijuana in Butte County.

One group called "Butte County Citizens Against Irresponsible Government, Yes on Measure B and No on Measure A," is the organization seeking to have less strict rules on medical marijuana cultivation.

[continues 376 words]

7Canada: Column: The War on Pot BrowniesThu, 16 Oct 2014
Source:National Post (Canada) Author:Soupcoff, Marni Area:Canada Lines:Excerpt Added:10/16/2014

Medical marijuana is legal in Canada. Well, sort of legal. At least some of the time. In certain ways.

Health Canada helpfully clarifies all on its website by explaining that "dried marijuana is not an approved drug or medicine in Canada ... [pause for a beat] but courts have required reasonable access to a legal source of marijuana when authorized by a physician." So, make no mistake, the government still hates marijuana. It's not going to endorse the stuff, or admit that pot might do any kind of good in any circumstances. It's definitely not going to call it medicine.

[continues 716 words]

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