DrugSense Membership Coordinator Jo-D Harrison has a special talent - she can communicate with both technicians and end-users. During many years of technical trouble-shooting and user training she has developed a variety of methods to make computers work for users and help users understand how computers work.
Jo-D realized during her junior year as a Computer Science major that she was not going to be happy sitting in a cubicle writing code for others. That summer she accepted a full time position with ITT as a Communications Technician at Vandenberg Air Force base in California. ITT gave her the opportunity to expand her computer abilities while she advanced through many positions including Trouble Desk Operator, Office Automation Specialist, Facility Administrator and Communication Support Analyst.

As things wound down at the base Jo-D took a voluntary layoff and started a computer training company called Personal Computer Training Wheels. As sole propietor she secured contracts with small businesses to train clients on personal computer software operation. After several years she realized she was spending more time obtaining contracts and processing paperwork than doing what she loved - showing people how to make computers work.

In the late 90's Jo-D's college and work experience qualified her for a Master's Degree Equivalency Certificate and she accepted a part-time position as Associate Faculty member at the local junior college, Allan Hancock College. Jo-D spent many weekends teaching computer classes including Microsoft Office software, cerfing the Internet and basic web page building.

Since the early 90's Jo-D has spent every spare moment living online. She acquired many of her internet skills while working as the National and California NORML webmaster. She also initiated and co-founded the first San Luis Obispo County NORML chapter and made great progress toward re-educating this very conservative county.

Jo-D has spent the last few years working through the ranks of the Media Awareness Project. Starting as a newshawk, moving on to editor and now, the Membership Coordinator.

Jo-D's hobbies include roller blading, bicycle riding, playing musical instruments, camping and raising parrots.

In The Beginning, Easter 1964

14252 Culver Drive #328
Irvine, CA, 92604-0326
(800) 266-5759
(800) 266-5759
Contact:Mark Greer (mgreer@drugsense.org)
Webmaster:Matt Elrod (webmaster@drugsense.org)
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