HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Justice Minister Should Exercise Leadership
Pubdate: Wed, 07 Nov 2001
Source: Independent, The (CN ON)
Copyright: 2001 Conolly Publishing Ltd.
Author: Brian L. Fish


Re: "Drug squad raids Cramahe farm.", The Independent, October 24: The 
responsibility for this travesty lies squarely on the shoulders of the 
bureaucrats and advisers to the minister in the Federal Department of 
Justice. I have e-mailed the Prime Minister and Justice Minister with a 
copy of your article. I do not think the police should be petitioned, they 
are taking their orders in these issues from Ottawa. Ultimate responsiblity 
for this actually needs to be placed squarely where it belongs - on the 
shoulders of Anne McLellan, who as justice minister seems to take her 
marching orders from Mr. Chretien rather than from her party, whish urged 
decriminalizing marijuana for all purposes. As such, she has not exercised 
the leadership one would expect of a former law professor who taught Civil 
Liberties. Her former students are shaking their heads in disbelief.

Brian L. Fish Barrister & Solicitor Edmonton, Alberta
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