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Pubdate: Wed, 29 May 2002 Source: Calgary Sun, The (CN AB) Copyright: 2002 The Calgary Sun Contact: Details: Author: Licia Corbella, Calgary Sun USING MARIJUANA TO ALLEVIATE PAIN HARDLY CRIMINAL Henry George Adams is an unlikely "criminal." He is 86 years old, has never been in jail, has always paid his taxes on time and has lived his "life for the Lord." Indeed, the thick, leather-bound Bible sitting on his daughter's kitchen table in southeast Calgary is so worn, anyone looking at it would assume he'd had it his entire life. "Oh no," he says with a chuckle. "This Bible is not even two years old. It's just that there's no better way we can spend our time than reading God's word." Just four months ago, however, Adams was so sick and so frail he could barely read his precious Bible. Fact is, he could barely eat or sleep, so relentless was his pain from the prostate cancer that has now spread into his bones -- including his spine. Luckily for him, his daughter Eunice Cluff, 50, had seen the remarkable effect marijuana products had made in the life of her husband Grant Cluff, a former high school teacher who has multiple sclerosis. She decided to pull her father out of the nursing home he was in, take him off of almost 20 medications and start feeding him with muffins and food containing cannabis butter and hashish. "It really is remarkable how much better I feel," says the former farm publication salesman. While confined to a wheelchair just a few months ago and "just a bag of bones," Adams has gained 25 lb. and, the other day, walked the entire length of Marlborough Mall. It may not sound like much, but for Adams -- who also lost both his legs at the age of 18 in a railway accident and suffers from Parkinson's disease -- it is miraculous. "I was also having terrible spasms in both of my stumps, but those have gone too," he exclaims. "I really believe God gave us marijuana as a remarkable medicine." Eunice laughs at the irony of it all. Just one year ago, she wasn't just a skeptic about the benefits of marijuana, she was vehemently opposed to the stuff. "I thought only low-lifes did marijuana," she says, as two of her grandchildren -- Zoe, 3, and Noah, 4 -- play and laugh in the living room. Now, she's not only a believer, she's become a marijuana minstrel, turning a small bedroom in her apartment into the unofficial Compassion Club of Calgary -- where sick people can come to find out information about marijuana and other "herbs." Sitting in that room is Grant Krieger, Calgary's foremost cannabis crusader - -- who, once again, despite being granted an exemption from the country's archaic marijuana laws, must appear in court today to answer to charges of possession of marijuana. His recognizance order -- which is so rife with factual errors, you have to wonder if the person who wrote it knows how to spell and read a calendar -- states Krieger will be in breach of the conditions of his $300 bail if he possesses "marihuana"(sic.). "I need my medicine to walk and they say it's against the law even though a jury of 12 at the Court of Queen's Bench says I can legally possess and grow marijuana," says Krieger. "When will it end?" asks Krieger, who like Cluff was once confined to a wheelchair from MS but now scoots around the city in borrowed cars delivering pot -- at no profit and often at a loss -- to other ill people. Currently, one of his "legitimate" suppliers, Randy Newsham, is incarcerated in the Calgary Remand Centre, charged with cultivation and possession for the purposes of trafficking of marijuana. On noon Saturday, the Grant W. Krieger Cannabis Research Foundation is holding a protest outside the jail to protest Newsham's arrest. "He was under a contractual agreement with me to grow marijuana," says Krieger. As for Adams, yesterday he had a hearty wrestle on the floor with his great-grandson Noah. "I used to think doing marijuana for any reason was not just criminal but a sin," says Adams with his trademark glowing smile. "Now, while it may be a criminal act, I just KNOW in my heart it's not a sin." Amen, brother. - --- MAP posted-by: Jackl