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Pubdate: Thu, 18 Jul 2002 Source: Guelph Mercury (CN ON) Copyright: 2002 Guelph Mercury Newspapers Limited Contact: Details: Author: Debra Harper LEGALIZING POT THE WAY TO GO Dear Editor - Re: your editorial "Lightening up on cannabis use" (The Guelph Mercury, July 12). Thanks for voicing the obvious. A grip on reality is always welcome at a time when the truth is sacrificed more each day for shareholder approval in the corporate media. However, I think it is dangerous to entertain any measures to defray the cost of the drug war other than outright legalization, regulation and distribution for illegal drugs like cannabis. If people were able to grow their own personal supply, there would be virtually no electricity costs to defray. Let's stay the course to a sane society that realizes no drug will go away by prohibiting it's existence and criminalizing users. Regulation of all substances humans are likely to ingest is the least harmful way to deal with their effects and we know it. Debra Harper Victoria, BC - --- MAP posted-by: Beth