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Pubdate: Wed, 12 Nov 2003
Source: Ottawa Citizen (CN ON)
Copyright: 2003 The Ottawa Citizen
Author: Debra Harper
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Re: Marijuana 'wonderful substance': Layton, Nov. 8.

Justice Minister Martin Cauchon and Canadian Alliance MP John Reynolds say 
NDP leader Jack Layton is being irresponsible for advocating the total 
legalization of marijuana, not just its decriminalization.

In fact, it is they who are being irresponsible, not Jack Layton.

How else can you describe a plant that throughout the history of mankind 
has fed, clothed, medicated, relieved and enhanced the quality of life? The 
term "wonderful" sounds like an honest assessment to many people, who would 
even be motivated to get out and vote in record numbers to show they agree.

Unlike our ancestors, we have only known it as a plant that is off limits 
to us, and our rulers deem us outcasts for partaking of it. Why would the 
government and law enforcement pursue the futile endeavour of imposing this 
prohibition on an entire society?

Thank you, Jack Layton, for restoring hope to three generations of voters.

Debra Harper, Victoria
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