HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Liberals Unveil Pot Bill for Second Time
Pubdate: Mon, 01 Nov 2004
Source: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Canada Web)
Copyright: 2004 CBC
Note: Written by CBC News Online staff
Note: there are currently short video and audio reports at the Webpage URL 
Also: Details about both bills are linked from
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Canada)


OTTAWA - Paul Martin's Liberals reintroduced a controversial bill
Monday that would decriminalize marijuana possession and replace
criminal charges with fines for anyone caught with up to 15 grams of
the drug.

The new possession bill comes with the same old warning from Justice
Minister Irwin Cotler: This doesn't mean marijuana will be legalized in

"Marijuana use is and remains illegal," he said. "What we have done
here is alter penalty frameworks."

If the bill passes, adults who are caught with less than 15 grams of
marijuana could be fined up to $400, but would not be left with a
criminal record.

Cotler said the new possession bill will help police forces focus on
more serious offences like marijuana growing operations and
trafficking, as well as links between the marijuana trade and
organized crime.

The bill doubles the length of prison sentences for marijuana growers,
and introduces four new offences dealing with growing operations.

Also on Monday, the government reintroduced a bill on drug-impaired
driving, designed to placate its critics on the opposition benches by
giving police more tools to crack down on people who drive while
they're stoned.

During the last parliament, the marijuana possession bill was one of
the most hotly contested pieces of legislation.

All the opposition parties eventually supported the bill after months
of work at the committee level, but the legislation died without being
passed when Martin called an election for June 28.

Now the Liberals have to convince opposition MPs to support the
measure again, but in a minority government situation.

NDP House Leader Libby Davies said her party thinks the new bill opens
the door to too much enforcement for simple possession.

She said the NDP will seek several more changes at the committee
level, including "some provision for amnesty for the approximately
600,000 Canadians who have a criminal record for simple possession of
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MAP posted-by: Richard Lake