HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Crusader's Wife, Son Arrested For Pot
Pubdate: Thu, 08 Apr 2004
Source: Calgary Herald (CN AB)
Copyright: 2004 Calgary Herald
Author: Jason van Rassel
Bookmark: (Krieger, Grant)


Medicinal marijuana advocate Grant Krieger's troubles with the law became a 
family affair with the arrest of his wife and son Wednesday.

Mounties in Saskatchewan arrested Marie and Ryan Krieger following a 
traffic stop on the Trans-Canada Highway east of Swift Current.

Grant Krieger said the two were on their way to Regina and Saskatoon, where 
they were going to deliver about $5,400 worth of marijuana bud and oil to 
chronically-ill patients.

They were pulled over because their Chevrolet Caprice's rear licence plate, 
which flips down when the gas tank is being filled, wasn't flipped back up 
after a fuel stop.

"The (officers) came up and smelled pot in the car, and that's the story," 
Grant Krieger said from his Calgary home Wednesday night.

"You try to help people out, and this is what happens."

Marie, 50, and Ryan, 21, have each been charged with possession of 
narcotics for the purpose of trafficking and each were remanded in custody 
on $2,000 bail after appearing in a Swift Current court. The case was set 
over until May 3.

Grant Krieger, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, has a long history of 
challenging Canada's pot laws in the name of providing pain relief, but an 
RCMP spokesman said the Calgarian's cause is of little relevance to 
officers in the field who come across marijuana.

"Investigators felt there was enough evidence to support the charge. Now 
we'll leave it up to the court," Cpl. Brian Jones said.
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