HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Pot Smokers Celebrate Holiday Their Own Way
Pubdate: Fri, 02 Jul 2004
Source: Chronicle Herald (CN NS)
Copyright: 2004 The Halifax Herald Limited
Author: David Harrison
Bookmark: (Cannabis - Medicinal)


Marijuana user with MS spreads word about medicinal use of drug

Debbie Stultz-Giffin isn't the stereotypical marijuana user you often see in
the movies or on television.

The 46-year-old mother of four and chairwoman of Maritimers Unite For
Medical Marijuana has multiple sclerosis. She sat in a wheelchair at
Dartmouth Commons on Canada Day handing out information on medical marijuana
and on Hemp Fest, a rock concert her organization is holding at the end of
the month to promote medical marijuana.

"I just hope it will heighten awareness about how miserably the government
is treating its sick citizens in this country," she said.

Ms. Stultz-Giffin was one of many marijuana users and promoters to light up
at the 9th annual Cannabis Day.

People of all ages, races and genders soaked up the sun while smoking pot on
lawn chairs, picnic blankets or simply laid out on the cool grass in the

Many gathered in small groups sharing a joint and some a cold beer, while
others strummed guitars or beat on bongo drums.

Josh Doyle, 20, from Dartmouth sat in the hot sun sweating and playing his
guitar, but he wasn't smoking.

"I'm here for the atmosphere," he said.

"If this were a bar or there was lots of alcohol there would probably be
fights and bitter feelings. Marijuana doesn't do that."

Mr. Doyle said even though he wasn't smoking he didn't have a problem with
those who did.

"It's not that bad. It's made out to be something that is big and bad, but
I've never seen marijuana hurt anybody."

Attending Cannabis Day for the first time were 24-year-old Elizabeth and
Amber. They both said they also liked the "peaceful feeling" that the event
seemed to have.

"Everyone just sits down and relaxes and has a good time," Elizabeth said.

"I think it should be decriminalized," added Amber. "Maybe even regulate it
and all the tax dollars could go to fund our health-care system."

Legalization was a belief that seemed to be shared by almost everyone
relaxing at the Commons yesterday.

Brian, 19, said that if something like alcohol is perfectly legal, then
marijuana, which many people consider to be less dangerous than alcohol,
should be legal as well.

"It doesn't make sense when alcohol is legal and (marijuana's) not. The
negative effects of alcohol are so much worse."

Ms. Stultz-Giffin said that marijuana has a stigma attached to it that
alcohol doesn't which makes it hard not only for people who smoke marijuana
illegally, but also for people like herself who have had it prescribed
legally. She said that 400,000 Canadians use marijuana as part of their
treatment for some kind of illness, but only about 100,000 are legally
entitled to use it.

"A lot of people are forced to the black market or do without because they
can't afford it."

Ms. Stultz-Giffin said that the government should make marijuana more
accessible to those who need it for medicinal purposes and help to set up
"compassion clubs," which are basically clinics for people who use medical

John Cook is a director of Cannabis Buyers' Clubs of Canada in Halifax, a
compassion club. He helps people who use medical marijuana to get the most
out of it by helping them find which kind and which dosage works best for

"I promote the safeness of the herb, why it's illegal and the foolishness of
that, especially from the medical issue."

Mr. Cook said his club has about 60 members that range in age from 22 to 82.
He said events like Cannabis Day are important to spread awareness about how
marijuana can be a benefit to society, medically and economically.

"Hopefully it heightens awareness that we're not bad people and we're no
more harmful then anyone else given the chance to show it."
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MAP posted-by: Josh