HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Cops Hope Pot Busts Turn Tide
Pubdate: Thu, 06 Jan 2005
Source: Calgary Sun, The (CN AB)
Copyright: 2005 The Calgary Sun
Author: Bill Kaufmann


Recent Raids Net Drugs Worth $1.9m

The city police drug unit is hoping a doubling of marijuana seizures 
compared to a year ago signals the tide is turning in the war against the 
weed. And their haul for the new year received a big boost with the seizure 
of 1,900 plants valued at $2.3 million in four different raids yesterday 
and Tuesday.

The value of marijuana confiscated last year mostly from home grow 
operations reached the $101 million mark, in contrast to $53 million worth 
of the drug taken in 2003, city police said yesterday.

The 2004 dollar amount is more than 10 times the $9 million worth seized in 

"One can hope (we're turning the corner) ... you have to try," said Det. 
Nina Vaughan.

She said more resources devoted to the joint RCMP-city police Southern 
Alberta Marijuana Investigative Team (SAMIT) and a new Calgary 
anti-cannabis steering committee has turned up the heat on growers.

"The only solution is to get everybody together to make it unattractive 
(for marijuana traffickers) to operate here," said Vaughan, adding tips 
from a better-informed public have more than doubled in the past year.

"In the past, (growers) have been able to operate without people knowing 
next door."

But she also said the bigger dope bust dollar figure reflects a greater 
number of the illegal operations.

"The problem has increased ... it's very lucrative and that's what drives 
it," said Vaughan.

In the latest raids, SAMIT targeted homes in the 1100 block of Braxton Rd. 
S.W., on Panatella Court N.E., the 100 block of Chaparral Green S.E. and on 
Arbour Lake Way N.W.

A man and a woman have been charged with production of marijuana and 
possession for the purpose of trafficking.
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