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Pubdate: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 Source: Labradorian, The (CN NF) Copyright: 2007 The Labradorian Contact: Details: Author: Keith MacKinnon Note: Cpl. Keith MacKinnon is Labrador District Drug Awareness Coordinator, he reminds readers to make wise choices and say no to drugs. Cpl. MacKinnon can be reached at His column returns in September. During his absence, columnist Peter Pickersgill will fill the void. Bookmark: (Marijuana - Canada) Bookmark: (Ecstasy) Bookmark: (Opinion) YOU'RE BEING WATCHED Catchy title, makes you want to read further, doesn't it? What do I mean, by "you're being watched?" I'm not talking about the police but rather the oldest sibling in a family. How many of you adults were affected by the oldest brother or sister in the family? If you smoke drugs or drink underage, against (most) parents' wishes, what do you think little sister or brother will think when they learn of this? Naturally, they will figure that if it's OK for the older sibling then it's OK for them. How many times have we heard a younger sibling say to their parents, "How come I can't do it, he/she does?" Looking at the issue from this angle gives us another perspective on our decision making and how it affects others, not just ourselves. Scenario number two. Some local trafficker confronts your younger brother or sister and offers them a joint or some ecstasy and you find out. How angry are you going to be? I'll bet you'll not be long having words with both the bad guy and the sister/brother for even considering such a stupid move. What nerve have they got trying to get my brother/sister involved and hooked on drugs? Who do they think they are? But are you thinking in this same frame of mind when someone comes to you offering alcohol or drugs? It's natural for kids to emulate their older brothers or sisters and parents. We all know how good they are at picking up conversations, actions, etc. Then, six months later, they let you know they remember what they heard or saw. I once was in the middle of a school talk to grades K -3 on smoking, alcohol, and other things children don't want to be part of. Abruptly, one little fellow up front in grade three asked me, "Officer, what's alky? ". I said, "Well, its hard alcohol, like liquor but it's made in a thing called a still, that's kind of complicated for what we're talking about today, so we'll carry on..." Undeterred, up shot the little hand again. "But, officer, what's a still look like?" I replied, "Oh, it's got copper tubing and a stainless steel jug and a heat source, but you don't need to know too much about that " His little eyebrows shot up and he stared me down with an honest expression on his face as he triumphantly stated, "My dad's got one of them in the basement!!!" A good friend of mine, his teacher, rushed forward with a grin and said, "Don't tell him your name son." As I speak with youth in many schools, this kind of innocent exclamation happens frequently. Believe me, they remember. As parents, the example we set for our children is important, to say the least. If a child grows up in an atmosphere where drug use or alcohol abuse is common, they are significantly more likely to experiment with these substances themselves. For you teens, think about your little brother or sister before you make a mistake they won't soon forget, say no to drugs and alcohol. - --- MAP posted-by: Richard Lake