HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Smoke Clears For Hempyz
Pubdate: Thu, 20 Nov 2008
Source: Langley Times (CN BC)
Copyright: 2008 Langley Times
Author: Monique Tamminga
Bookmark: (Paraphernalia)
Bookmark: (Hemp - Outside U.S.)


Hempyz is legitimate.

After refusing the pot plant novelty store a business licence, Langley
City has done an about-face.

"I went to City Hall on Nov. 6 to dispute the $100 per day fines [for
operating a business without a licence] and staff asked me if I would
like to fill out a business license," said Hempyz owner Randy Caine.

City head planner Gerald Minchuk confirmed that Hempyz was granted a
license after removing all the hemp products from the store.

"It's wonderful. The community is sophisticated enough to see their
way through the issue," said Caine.

Mayor Peter Fassbender has been a vocal opponent of Hempyz and
recently responded in a letter, explaining why he doesn't want Hempyz
in Langley City.

While Caine is happy to be running a legitimate business, the fight in
him isn't gone.

He's now going to go after the very bylaw that prohibited him from
getting a licence in the first place.

"My neighbours carry hemp products, many stores carry hemp products. I
want to see that bylaw over-turned," he said.

The City's bylaw enforcement team will go out this month checking
stores to make sure they are abiding by the drug paraphernalia bylaw
that prohibits the sale of bongs and other drug-related items.

While compliance for the past two years has been good, said
Fassbender, it's still important to ensure compliance.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin