HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html City Changes Course On Hemp Bylaw
Pubdate: Tue, 25 Nov 2008
Source: Langley Times (CN BC)
Copyright: 2008 Langley Times
Author: Monique Tamminga
Bookmark: (Hemp - Outside U.S.)


Repeal Now Called For After Challenge From Retailer

Langley City council is looking to repeal a 1995 bylaw prohibiting
stores from selling hemp products.

It turns out that several stores in the downtown have been carrying
hemp items for years, from beauty products, clothing to hand cream and
soap. Hemp beer is even sold in the provincially-run B.C. Liquor stores.

"Back then, we thought hemp was marijuana," said City Councillor Gayle
Martin. She has been on council 18 years. "Now we know there is a
difference between the legal and illegal stuff."

Council asked that City staff review the bylaw and create a new bylaw
with the proper language, eliminating the word hemp.

Martin said she went to several stores in the downtown that carry hemp

Hempyz marijuana novelty store pulled its hemp products off its
shelves recently in order to comply with the bylaw. But owner Randy
Caine noted at the time that he would pursue the City, and ask it to
look into rewording or scrapping its bylaw, because all his neighbours
were selling hemp.

Meanwhile, City bylaw officers are expected to start making random
checks this week or next at various corner stores to ensure they
aren't selling bongs or other drug paraphernalia which is prohibited.
The City created that bylaw two years ago.
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MAP posted-by: Larry Seguin