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Pubdate: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 Source: Sherwood Park News (CN AB) Copyright: 2008 Sherwood Park News Contact: Website: Details: Author: Jason Gariepy HOOKED ON GREEN Powder And Hippy Flip Councillor Comment Love drug, shrooms, jib, green, powder, and hippy flip are a few of the cheap and addictive drugs available in Strathcona County. These drugs are also known to police and addiction treatment counsellors as ecstasy, hallucinogenic mushrooms, methamphetamine, marijuana, cocaine, and mushrooms with ecstasy. Drugs are profitable (street value of marijuana plants are $1,000 apiece) and dealers have targeted our young and affluent community to sell everything from marijuana and meth to cocaine and ecstasy. Since the introduction of the RCMP's two-member drug unit, drug possession charges are up 77 per cent and trafficking charges rose a staggering 162 per cent (2006 to 2007). The need for more drug officers is acute to prevent dealers from establishing drug houses in neighbourhoods, especially where families and children live. Drugs impact us all and are one of the root causes of crime in our community, resulting in vehicle thefts, break-and-enters and property damage from graffiti. Several councillors, including myself, are recommending to increase the number of officers dedicated to drug enforcement in next year's budget. But enforcement alone will not solve our drug problem. Substance abuse is a public health issue that requires equal doses of prevention, treatment and, of course, enforcement. Parents Empowering Parents (PEP) is at the frontline of drug education and prevention. Meeting every second Tuesday at 7 p.m., at County Hall, PEP hosts open meetings for anyone impacted directly or indirectly by drug use. Families come together to share their experiences and learn from others who have struggled and suffered with addictions. PEP stands by its members and ensures that they are never alone and have someone to turn to for advice and assistance. Recently, Strathcona County Council voted unanimously to grant PEP $30,000 so that the organization could hire an executive director and continue to expand their vital work and help even more families. For more information on Parents Empowering Parents, visit Another priority is addictions treatment which is the responsibility of the provincial government. Treatment providers are stretched to the limit and families are often forced to send their loved ones outside of the community or province for help. Long waiting lists are discouraging for addicts who are seeking professional help to change their lives. We need to be able to respond immediately when an addict asks for help and not push them aside and say that a treatment bed may be available six months down the road. With the proper treatment programs, individuals should be able to return to their families and neighbourhoods, where they can work and contribute back to their community. Prevention requires the greatest amount of commitment over a sustained period of time to show results. In the long-term, it will also have the greatest impact in reducing drug and substance abuse. Promoting healthy families and addressing the underlying causes of drug use is critical. Through education and active living, we can delay the onset of drug use. Research shows that the longer young people delay using alcohol and other drugs, the less likely they are to develop an addiction. There is no simple solution to addressing drugs in our community. By making life miserable for drug dealers through enforcement, providing families with support, increasing the number of treatment beds for addicts and educating and providing opportunities for active living for young people, fewer people will be hooked on drugs in our community. - ----------------------------------------------- Jason Gariepy is Councillor for Ward 8 and can be reached at 464-8158 or --- MAP posted-by: Steve Heath