HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Studying Pot's Effects On Drivers
Pubdate: Wed, 21 May 2008
Source: Metro (CN NS)
Copyright: 2008 Metro
Author: Melissa Smith
Bookmark: (Cannabis and Driving)


Researcher Hopes To Pinpoint Drugs' Specific Risks

When Mark Asbridge came across surveys indicating driving under the 
influence of drugs such as cannabis has surpassed the rate of driving 
under the influence of alcohol, it stirred his interest in exploring 
the precise effect of cannabis on drivers.

"People are quite concerned about this issue," says Asbridge, an 
assistant professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Community 
Health at Dalhousie University.

Cannabis affects drivers differently than alcohol. It distorts the 
user's perception of space, rather than slowing down reaction time as 
is the case with alcohol, Asbridge said.

"It's the question of risk, and whether we can demonstrate if 
cannabis can actually increase the risk of a collision, whether or 
not it can impact the severity." Asbridge says John Macdonald, 
co-ordinator of the Drug Recognition Program for Nova Scotia, says 
use of marijuana has grown in recent years and voiced concern about 
the potential ramifications on the road.

"You can do the typical driving functions - switching gears, 
steering, breaking, accelerating - but you're unaware of your 
environment. When your divided attention ability is diminished by 
drugs, you're not quite able to pay attention to the traffic lights, 
the crosswalks, or whatever's around you," he said. "It takes away 
your ability to pay attention. All drugs, whether it be cannabis or 
alcohol, are equal in that way."

Over the next two years, Asbridge and the rest of his team plan to 
survey 1,500 people in three different Canadian hospitals, including 
the QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax, and two more hospitals 
located in Toronto.
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