HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: text/html Legalized Marijuana Solves Worries
Pubdate: Tue, 28 Jun 2011
Source: Nanaimo News Bulletin (CN BC)
Copyright: 2011, BC Newspaper Group
Author: Glenda Allard Barr


To the Editor,

Re: Change proposed for medicinal pot access program, June 23.

I would like to address some of the misleading information provided in
statements from Ron Lambert.

He speaks about fire hazards created by grow-ops. There is a world of
difference between a 'grow-op' and a licensed cannabis production
site. How many fires has Nanaimo Fire Rescue attended in licensed sites?

A huge fire hazard in illegal operations is created because of the
bypassing of hydro meters to avoid detection. Legal producers have no
need to do this, and because of their legal status, do not have to
fear bringing in licensed electricians to ensure safety in their

Contrary to the fear propaganda being spread, there is no incentive
for medical growers to exceed their licensed numbers (many are
restricted to 15 plants). If they do so, they have jumped through the
extensive legal hoops for nothing.

Cases in which licensed users have been charged with exceeding
permitted numbers often involve the inclusion of unrooted cuttings as

One patient who was charged indicated he was an unskilled grower, and
with a success rate of 25 per cent in striking cuttings, he had to
start 100 to get 25.

Many patients live on disability payments, often around $1,100 per
month, and this does not provide the funds to purchase overpriced
cannabis of unknown quality. They may have experimented for years to
find the specific strains that best treat their medical conditions.

The problems related to cannabis are caused by its illegality. The
only solution is to end prohibition and eliminate a big cash producer
for criminals.

Glenda Allard Barr

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MAP posted-by: Richard R Smith Jr.