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New National Player to Push Medical Marijuana
Pubdate: Sat, 23 Jan 2016
Source: Columbus Dispatch (OH)
Copyright: 2016 The Columbus Dispatch
Author: William T. Perkins
The start of 2016 brought some changes to the landscape of Ohio's
marijuana legalization efforts - including the arrival of a national
organization that wants Ohio to be the 24th "medical marijuana state."
That group, The Marijuana Policy Project, announced this week that
they are working on an initiative to legalize the drug in Ohio, and
looking for an organizer to head up operations in the state. "The
2016 campaign ... is focusing only on medical marijuana, which enjoys
a high level of support among Ohio voters," according to the D.C.
group's website.
Their initiative would allow individuals with "serious medical
conditions" to purchase or grow marijuana with a physician's permission.
According to their website, the group is "supporting" legalization
initiatives in Arizona, Massachusetts and Nevada, and is part of a
coalition of groups campaigning for legalization in California.
"They're a very powerful group," Marcie Seidel, executive director of
the Drug-Free Action Alliance said. "And just (promoting) medicine
rather than the full legalization, people are sort of softer to that."
Meanwhile, ResponsibleOhio, the group behind last year's failed Issue
3 ballot proposal to legalize marijuana for personal and medicinal
use, will not pursue a ballot this year, despite earlier assertions.
The issue failed 64 to 36 percent in November.
Instead, their co-founder Jimmy Gould announced earlier this month
that he will focus his energy on the Ohio House's marijuana task force.
Activists from yet another group - LegalizeOhio, which wants to
legalize marijuana for both personal and medicinal use - say their
operations are expanding even though Sri Kavuru, the former director
of the group, stepped down from his position this past week. He said
after a year of serving at the helm of the group, he wanted to take a
smaller role.
"I'm sure that my voice and opinions are going to be well heard," he said.
They are currently circulating petitions for their initiative, which
they hope to get on the November election.
Kavuru he said they likely wouldn't be opposed to working with the
Marijuana Policy Project if that proposal gains traction.
"My opinion is very positive," he said. "We have not had any
conversations about their initiative. We've all been courting some of
the same donors and we're very excited that a national organization
finally realizes the need for marijuana legalization in Ohio."
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MAP posted-by: Jay Bergstrom