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MAP Objectives

  1. Encourage discussion and debate on the subject of drug policy reform throughout the country with an emphasis on major population centers. Provide numerous "communications events" to each of 24,000 media and political contacts using the existing MAP database. Develop a strategy of increasing communication events to a more targeted selection of influential contacts.

  2. Develop a nationwide network of volunteers committed to ongoing communication with media and political contacts in their respective regions. Provide contacts information to volunteer activists from existing professional database.

  3. Encourage each volunteer to make a minimum number contacts from the provided list. Each volunteer will have the flexibility of using provided verbal scripts, form letters provided via E-mail, or generating their own written articles and scripts. Communication events will consist of phone calls, faxes, E-mail or postal mail. All Volunteers will have access to the MAP editorial services. All documents may be submitted to the editorial board for proof-reading, spell-checking, and suggestions for improving the document, thus increasing chances for publication.

  4. Use MAPTalk and DRCTalk or a new subset list as a communications resource to train, problem-solve, and encourage the network. Use state-of-the-art communications techniques to educate the media and politicians to use MAP as a reliable, accurate information resource for all drug policy matters.

  5. Use existing database and various advertising techniques to generate On-Air guest appearances in every state in the union via radio talk shows, and nationally syndicated TV shows. Develop specific measurable indicators for progress of our penetration.

  6. Generate at least one drug policy related editorial article per month to be submitted to newspapers and magazines using existing database of over 3,300 publications.

  7. Generate hundreds of letters to the editor and have a large proportion published.

  8. Deliver at least one public speaking engagement per month in each region on the subject of drug policy reform.

  9. Obtain an appointment with at least one Congress person per month in each region with the objective of discussing drug policy issues and alerting our political leaders of available resources and information.

  10. Develop a database of drug policy experts that are willing to engage in broadcast media opportunities.

  11. Use electronic search capabilities to find articles and coverage on drug policy topics and make them available to all the entire reform movement.

  12. Archive all drug oriented news articles on the Internet for future reference, research, and review.

  13. Provide a concise daily synopsis of all news coverage for the benefit of all reform members.

  14. Work with all other reform groups to help provide a consistent, focused, and viable media effort.

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Media Awareness Project
14252 Culver Drive #328
Irvine, CA, 92604-0326
(800) 266-5759
Contact:Mark Greer ()
Webmaster:Matt Elrod ()
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