On Air: Details

On-Air is a schedule of upcoming drug policy reform media events and an archive of past broadcasts. Please participate by recording your upcoming (or past) media broadcast appearances by filling out the form.
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DateSat. December 9 /06,
07:00 p.m. ET
NameJohn Gayder Howard Wooldridge, Cele Castillo
RepresentingLEAPSubject Damage Done: The Drug War Odyssey
Name of Show Global CurrentsStation InfoGlobal Television (TV) (synd)
Host City/Statenation-wide,
Call-in Phone Archivedhttp://www.canada.com/globaltv/globalshows/globalcurrents/
Listen On-LinenoURLhttp://www.imxcommunications.com/Current/Damage-Done/
CommentsAlso airs at 7:00pm PT
After 30 years of the War on Drugs, illegal narcotics have gone down in price, up in purity and availability, and way way up in demand. The heroes of this film are veterans of the Drug War, and they urge us to consider ending drug prohibition both at home and around the world. They have had a complete revolution in their thinking: now they are working to end the War on Drugs. Find out what happened to change their minds and how they became the first truly radical cops.
Questions about OnAir - contact: onair@mapinc.org