On Air: Details
On-Air is a schedule of upcoming drug policy reform media events and an archive of past broadcasts.
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Date | Thu. April 21 /05, 08:30 a.m. ET | Name | Peter Christ Inquiries heath@leap.cc |
Representing | Law Enforcement Against Prohibition | Subject | Alternatives To the Failed Drug War |
Name of Show | The Macrini Morning News Team | Station Info | WNIS 790AM (Radio) (local) |
Host | Tony Macrini | City/State | Norfolk, VA |
Call-in Phone | toll free 888-226-7979 | Archived | |
Listen On-Line | yes | URL | http://www.wnis.com/shows/TonyMacrini.shtml |
Comments | Board Member Peter Christ will be an in studio guest on The
Macrini Morning News Show on WNIS Radio 790AM. Mr. Christ, a former police
officer, has first hand experience with the war on drugs. Mr. Christ will be
discussing the failed drug policies that are delivering terror to our
inner-city streets, diverting police from more important issues, clogging
our courts, breaking up families, and making a once-proud America quite
literally the incarceration capital of the world.
Questions about OnAir - contact: onair@mapinc.org |