On Air: Details

On-Air is a schedule of upcoming drug policy reform media events and an archive of past broadcasts. Please participate by recording your upcoming (or past) media broadcast appearances by filling out the form.
Need assistance getting airtime? Visit : MAP Media Activism Center

DateWed. April 27 /05,
08:00 p.m. ET
NameDeirdre Zoretic
RepresentingOhio Patient NetworkSubject Her Arrest and The Rest of the Story+Ohio MMJ Updates
Name of Show Ohio Patient NetworkStation Info  (PALTALK) (On-Line_Meeting)
HostRob RyanCity/State ,
Call-in Phone Archived 
Listen On-LineyesURLhttp://www.ohiopatient.net/join/paltalk_instructions.htm
CommentsAnyone can attend this forum by going to the URL above if you do not already have free Paltalk software installed. The meeting is a combination of Voice and Text chat.

Follow these directions once you have Paltalk open: Group Name = [ Health Related / Parenting ]....Room title = [OPN-Medical Marijuana Patient Busted].....There is no password for this meeting

Questions? rryan@ohiopatient.net
Questions about OnAir - contact: onair@mapinc.org