On Air: Details

On-Air is a schedule of upcoming drug policy reform media events and an archive of past broadcasts. Please participate by recording your upcoming (or past) media broadcast appearances by filling out the form.
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DateMon. February 27 /06,
01:00 p.m. PT
NameNorm Stamper
inquiries heath@leap.cc
RepresentingLaw Enforcement Against ProhibitionSubject Ending the Drug War
Name of Show On the CoastStation InfoCBC Radio One 690 AM (Radio) (local)
Host City/StateVancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Call-in Phone Archived 
Listen On-Line URL 
CommentsNot yet to the end of his Abbotsford, British Columbia Tour, Speaker Norm Stamper is a phone in guest to the "On The Coast Radio Show" on CBC Radio One 690 AM, Vancouver, Canada. Norm will be discussing his current tour, the people that he's met and their views on the failure of drug prohibition. (One Hour)
Questions about OnAir - contact: onair@mapinc.org