On Air: Details

On-Air is a schedule of upcoming drug policy reform media events and an archive of past broadcasts. Please participate by recording your upcoming (or past) media broadcast appearances by filling out the form.
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DateMon. May 22 /06,
05:00 p.m. ET
NamePeter Christ
inquiries heath@leap.cc
RepresentingLaw Enforcement Against ProhibitionSubject Why Drug Prohibition is a Failure
Name of Show Justice NowStation InfoTime Warner Cable (TV) (local)
Host City/StateChannels 18 and 16 in Schenect, NY
Call-in Phone Archived 
Listen On-Line URLhttp://www.justicenow4.com
CommentsBoard Member Peter Christ is a guest on "Justice Now". Peter will be discussing how America's "war on drugs" is a "war on people" and what can be done to stop it. "Justice Now" airs at 5:00 PM every other Monday on Time Warner Cable Channel 18, and at 5:30 on Cable Channel 16 in Schenectady, NY. The entire (aired) Justice Now TV series is now available for loan at the Troy Public Library. Visit "http://www.justicenow4.com/" for more information.
Questions about OnAir - contact: onair@mapinc.org