Our Media Activism Facilitator, Steve Heath, assists individuals and groups that
are actively working to reform current national and state drug policies
by serving as a trainer, coach, and liaison to the media for the participating groups.
Steve Heath's Biography
Steve Heath is a lifetime resident of Texas who relocated to Florida in 1998. A year later Heath began volunteer work for MAP and since then has donated over 5000 hours of time to helping MAP create its massive archive of drug policy related news clippings.
Heath also took on the challenge of learning how to get printed in newspapers and has had over 200 PUB LTEs and Opinion columns published around North America - as well as Europe and Australia - over the past five years.
He now brings his knowledge to MAP readers and subscribers. His promise? Work with him online to learn how easy it is to get printed and he will have you published within 21 days. Heath can also guide you in getting more on-air minutes with local radio and TV to raise awareness of drug policy related topics.
His seven year investment in learning about DPR topics and about who is
working to make legitimate changes in our policies allow him to answer
all questions you might have about DPR and its coverage by major media.
If he doesn't know what you need immediately, he can get the answers
from one or more of our many friends and organizations
who support the work of The Media Awareness Projects.
Steve Heath,