Our friend and co-worker Richard Lake passed away on December 7, 2014.
Richard has spent decades, and untold hours, working to help bring about
more sensible drug policies. Perhaps his most significant achievement, in
the drug policy arena, was his incredible dedication to the Media
Awareness Project (MAP) Inc. Richard spent countless hours, days, and
years helping to archive what is, to this day, one of the largest and
most valuable archives of drug policy related material ever assembled.
We will remember Richard's steadfast dedication and loyalty to the
principles of individual liberty and justice with pride and a great deal
of gratitude. It was a pleasure knowing Richard. His dedication should be
an inspiration to us all, and encourage every one of us to continue to
carry the flag and move us ever closer towards freedom liberty, and
Those wishing to contribute towards keeping Richard's dream alive may do
so, on his behalf, at our donation page.
Read/Sign Rich's official obituary
From Facebook...
Reform Hero Richard Lake Passes by Mark Greer
Richard Lake: 1940 - 2014 by Steve Young