Incorporating the following guidelines in your letters to the editor
(LTEs) will greatly increase your chances of publication as well as help
improve MAPs image of striving to present high quality accurate
information on topics of drug policy:
All sentences should have simple structures and be brief. If
a sentence can be easily written as two sentences, it should be.
use the spell checker, and do a visual check for the to/too and
from/form typos the spell checker will miss.
Letters should be no more than 1 to 1 1/2 pages long, and the
shorter the better. This length restriction can be stretched for
magazines or papers that you know agree with your POV, but with our
efforts the latter will be rare.
Paragraphs are usually only one or two sentences long, with maybe one
three sentence paragraph per full page. Look at any front page news story,
and you'll see exactly what I mean.
The lead sentence should not be more than 70 words long, should
contain the name of the article or letter you are responding to, and a
position on that article. If you come up with a witty one liner, you can
use it as your lead, as that is where it will have a chance to catch an
editor's eye. Remember that editors are themselves writers who appreciate
a clever use of words. If you do this, then include the name of the
article (or subject) you are responding to either as a title (re. blah
blah) or in the second sentence/paragraph.
A quote or cite soon after the lead sentence is a good idea. A cited fact
or quote will give your opinion a broader context, and most
journalist/editors would publish your letter for the cite alone if they
are impressed by its pertinence to the subject. Buckley's always good for
a quote, and any scientific studies that are relevant could be used as
If you are using cites to back yourself up, put them
before your own
opinion. I've seen too many letters go by that have a good intro, then a
few obvious pro-drug opinions, and then a good cite. You want the editor
to see the cite and then the bulk of your opinions, as they are scanning
dozens of letters and are quick to stop reading anything that strikes them
as from the fringe. Also, don't waste words restating what you've cited.
Draw a conclusion or apply it to the subject of your letter, but don't
restate it. Redundancy of any sort will invite the editor to move on to
the next letter, or worse, edit lines out of your letter.
If you find yourself writing way too much prose, don't worry. You'll
notice that most journalists sacrifice flow in order to put the most
important point first, second-most second, etc. Editors won't even notice
if you take what you think is your best line/paragraph and tack it in
first, take your second best line and tack it in next, etc, until you hit
200 words. Use the cut and paste capabilities of your word processor, and
don't worry if you leave a lot of prose out of this letter. There is
always the next one. Also, if you are using more than one quote, cut and
paste them in with an opinion, paraphrase, or other prose between them.
Two or more separate quotes in a row does not look good. If a quote is
really long, consider cutting out part of it, or quoting half and then
paraphrasing the rest (He also said....).
In general: the ideal letter is three to six short paragraphs long, with a
short, witty lead sentence (that is usually a stand alone paragraph), a
good quote up high in the prose, and some clear, pointed opinions to
finish. Be concise, and use tight, no nonsense prose without
colloquialisms. If you quote or closely paraphrase the points you are
responding to in your letter, it makes your points look a little clearer.
Flip to the editorial page of whatever newspaper you are responding to,
and use the letters that paper's editor[s] choose to publish as a template
for your own.
Try to avoid using phrases coined by WoD propaganda: People are not
"drug abusers," they are "people who choose to use currently
prohibited substances" or "users of recreational drugs other than
caffeine, nicotine, or alcohol" or "people who party with
substances less harmful than alcohol" or even just "cannabis
smokers." I don't want every writer quoting these, so try to make up
your own. Every time you find yourself calling pot "drugs" and
pot smokers "drug users," realize that you are attaching the
baggage of a lot of WoD propaganda to your prose, and try to
write around it creatively.
Use and advertise the Drug Library
at for your
cites and to let newspapers know it exists. This also adds credibility to
your letter. An often used closing after the signature is:
"Researchers and reporters are welcome at the worlds largest online
library of drug policy information at"