Pressley, Sue Anne 1/1/1997 - 31/12/2024
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1 US: S.C. Verdict Fuels Debate Over Rights of the UnbornSun, 27 May 2001
Source:Washington Post (DC) Author:Pressley, Sue Anne Area:United States Lines:174 Added:05/29/2001
2 US FL: Police, For Now, Hold The Power In The Liberty CityTue, 12 Jan 1999
Source:Washington Post Author:Pressley, Sue Anne Area:Florida Lines:167 Added:01/12/1999
3 US FL: WP: Police, for Now, Hold the Power In the Liberty CityMon, 11 Jan 1999
Source:The Washington Post Author:Pressley, Sue Anne Area:Florida Lines:171 Added:01/11/1999
4 US TX: Year Later, Marine Killing of Goatherd Remains in DisputeSun, 14 Jun 1998
Source:Washington Post (DC) Author:Pressley, Sue Anne Area:Texas Lines:185 Added:06/14/1998
5 Smuggling Is Longtime Way of Life in Impoverished South Texas TownTue, 04 Nov 1997
Source:Washington Post (DC) Author:Pressley, Sue Anne Area:Texas Lines:161 Added:11/04/1997
6 Troops Pulled From Anti-Drug PatrolsThu, 31 Jul 1997
Source:Washington Post (DC) Author:Pressley, Sue Anne Area:Washington Lines:110 Added:07/31/1997

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