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Search Article Body: Type keyword(s) you are looking for.

Search results will include articles with the word marijuana in them.
Use substring matching: Click checkbox to include substring matching.

A substring search locates all terms that include the specified string anywhere within them. When this checkbox is selected, a search for "news" will produce results that include "news" as well as "newspaper". It will sometimes produce too many results for the search to be meaningful so it is NOT selected by default.
Search Article Body: Second body line allows you to type additional keyword(s) to narrow or expand search.

Search results will include articles with the word marijuana but not prohibition.
Search in Title Field: Words typed here will be searched for in the Title field of each record.

Search results will include articles with the word(s) Drug, War, or Ends in the Title.
Search in Source Field: Words typed here will be searched for in the Source field of each record.

Search results will include articles with the phrase Dallas Morning News as the name of the source.
Search in Author Field: Words typed here will be searched for in the Author field of each record.

Search results will include articles with word sharpe or muse in the Author field.

Boolean pulldown menu: These include/exclude pulldowns allow you to narrow or broaden your search.

In Boolean searching, an "and" operator between two words or other values (for example, "pear AND apple") means one is searching for documents containing both of the words or values, not just one of them.
An "or" operator between two words or other values (for example, "pear OR apple") means one is searching for documents containing either of the words.
A "not" operator between two words or other values means one is searching for documents containing one word(s) but not the other.
and/or definitions from
Search in Area Field: There are two parts to the search area selection: include/exclude filter and area selector.

Default search includes articles from all geographical areas.

Include/exclude filter:
  • inside = include articles from the selected geographical area
  • outside = do not include articles from the selected geographical area
  • is null = include articles with no geographical area entered. Geographical areas are not assigned when articles cover many areas.

Area selector: Select geographical area from pull-down list.
Search Where: Select item types to search through.

Letters = letters to the editor in favor of changing current drug policies (PUB LTE)
News = news articles
Opinions = editorials, opinion editorials and letters to the editor
Date Range: Select Date range to search through. Search for articles with publish dates between selected begin and end dates.
Two date blocks in MM DD YYYY (month day year) format
First date block = begin date, second date block = end date
In the example above, articles between 01/01/2004 and 12/01/2004 (January 1, 2004 and December 1, 2004) will be returned in search results screen.
Search Button: Click this button to begin your search.
Reset Button: Click this button to reset the form. All options will return to the original values.
Detail: Select search result listing detail.

Search results: Detail = low

Search results: Detail = medium

Search results: Detail = high
    in the examples above:
  • Click the title of the article to view it
  • Click the source of the article to view a listing of all articles from that source
  • Click the author's name to view a listing of all articles written by that author
  • Click the area to view a listing of all articles from that area
Hits per Page: Select number of hits to be listed on each search result page.
Sort Order: Select sort order of search result page.

Sort by Latest: List matching articles by publish date in descending order with the most recently published article listed first.
Sort by Oldest: List matching articles by publish date in ascending order with the oldest article listed first.
Sort by Author: List matching articles alphabetically by author's last name.
Sort by Title: List matching articles alphabetically by article title.
Sort by Source: List matching articles alphabetically by article's source.
Sort by Area: List matching articles alphabetically by geographical area.
Sort by Popularity: List matching articles by number of views in descending order with the article viewed the most listed first.

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