MAP Editor in Training (EIT) MAP
LAB 2 Format Article Header for 2 Submitted Articles
In this lab you will receive two sample articles. You will process the headers of these articles and send them back for verification. Please have lesson 2 available to refer to in another window/tab or printed out.
The following instructions are Eudora specific. If you are not using Eudora, please adjust your keystrokes accordingly. The practice articles will be different than those shown in the lesson and lab.

Request the Sample Articles:
Select lab 2a and 2b from our Get Lab Sample page.

Format the article header:
Step 1: Open the article with your email software.
Step 2: Move the article to the outgoing queue and modify message header.
Select Send Again from the Message menu (Alt + M, S)
Address it to
Type HOW2: Lab2a in the message subject field.
Step 3: Format the article header.
Verify the publication date by comparing the XPubdate field with the date sent in by the newshawk. The date the article was published should appear near the top of the actual article
  • Delete the X from the front of the Pubdate field.
  • If Robo's guess matches the provided date - move along to the next step.
  • If they do not match, replace Robo's guess with the correct date in the correct format.
Match the submitted source with the source information from our media database.
  • Look below the last pound sign line to see what source has been submitted by the newshawk.
  • Delete all other source information and source separators.
Determine the author's name and place this information in the Author field.
Step 4: Send it back.
Click on the queue button to send the article to your email queue
Select Send Mail(hold the Ctrl key and press the letter t).
Repeat these steps for the second article.

Continue to
Lesson 3 or Return to Manual Outline

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