MAP Editor in Training (EIT) MAP
LAB 5 Process Article Descriptors 3 Submitted Articles
In this lab you will receive three sample articles. You will process the headers and bodies of these articles, set up the article descriptor and send them back for verification.

Request the Sample Articles:
Select lab 5a, 5b and 5c from our Get Lab Sample page.

Process the articles:
Follow the instructions from Lab 3 to process the header and body of the article
Determine WHERE the story took place
Place the country/state abbreviation at the beginning of the message Subject line.
Refer to the abbreviation
listing if necessary.
Determine WHAT type of article it is
First determine if it is an opinion piece or a normal article.
If it is a normal article no article type is necessary
If it is an opinion piece determine it's source
Editorial: If no author is given it is probably an editorial
OPED: If an author is given and the article is more than a few paragraphs in length it is probably an OPED. OPEDs usually give a short description of the author's qualifications.
Column: If an author is given and the article is more than a few paragraphs in length but there is no description of the author's qualifications it is probably a column.
LTEs: Letter to the Editor of a paper usually have the writer's signature with the town that the writer comes from.
Example: Paul Dougan, Denver
Letters which clearly have a drug law reform slant get a PUB LTE descriptor
Letter writers who claim that our current drug policies are effective or who's point of view towards drug policy reform is questionable get a LTE descriptor
Adjust capitalization on subject line title, if necessary

Continue to Lesson 6 or Return to Manual Outline

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